Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

What is cleaning?

The process by which foreign material such as dirt and grime are removed from the surface of an object. Cleaning is accomplished through the use of soap or detergent and water.

What is disinfection?

The process of killing or rendering pathogenic microorganisms inert to a level that is not harmful to human health. The three types of disinfection include thermal, chemical, and UV-C.

What is UV-C?

UV-C light is a component of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls in the range of visible light and X-Rays. It has a wavelength range of 200 nm to 280 nm, which makes it useful for disinfection. UV disinfection uses short- range wavelengths to deactivate the DNA of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. This UV-C light is classified as “germicidal light,” and damages the nucleic acid of the microorganisms to the point that it renders an organism unable to reproduce.

What happens inside Swift UV?

Swift UV disinfects your phone using chemical-free UV-C light, eliminating 99.99% of pathogens present.

What doesn’t happen inside Swift UV?

Swift UV does not remove dirt, grime, or fingerprints from your phone; they will remain visible after disinfection.